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Focusing on the Positive

9 Sep

*There’s definitely some pregnancy/baby talk and a belly pic in this post.*

I’ve been feeling pretty down lately.

I still have the icks and I haven’t been released to go back to work.

The doc won’t let me go back to work until I’m non-symptomatic. I’m definitely still symptomatic. What  26 week pregnant woman has to take anti-diarrhea meds instead of stool softeners. I mean really. 

No work means I’m spending lots and lots of time at home doing a whole lot of nothing. I would love to do things, but my energy level is seriously lacking and I don’t want to potentially expose a whole lot of people to this GI invader. I can’t think of anyone I would wish this upon.  And let’s face it, I can’t stray too far from the bathroom. 

Needless to say, I’ve been feeling pretty crappy. Haha, I’m so punny. 

Today I read a post  from Courtney reminding me to be thankful. That there is always a bright side. I’ve never met Courtney, but the optimism and hope she has blows. me. away.  

I was inspired.

Despite being off work (with no PTO or vacation time) for almost a month and being cooped up in the house there is no denying there are good things going on.

Nugget is doing fabulous. He’s continuing to grow, thrive and measure ahead of schedule despite my being ill and losing 26lbs.

He’s moving, shaking and tumbling a whole heck of a lot. I can actually watch my stomach jump and pop out when I poke at it. It’s the weirdest thing ever to watch Nugget roll from one side of my stomach to the other. It’s awesome but weird.

I haven’t been able to work, but I have been able to have some coffee dates and spend some time with my Dad.  I’ve been able to get Nugget’s room painted, furniture assembled and room mostly set up with the help of Hubs and his parents. I really wish I had before and after pictures of the nursery. The previous owners must have let their kids paint the room. Speckles and splatters ALL over the ceiling and floor boards. And FYI, red takes THREE coats of primer to cover…

I haven’t been able to get comfortable or stay asleep at night (or get out of bed easily) but I haven’t had to get up at the butt crack of dawn to go to work.

And? I don’t have to put on a bra if I don’t wanna! 🙂

Sure, I’d love to go back to work and earn a paycheck, but I really don’t have all that much to complain about.


Here’s the most recent belly pic.


26 weeks 5 days

Note To Self

13 Aug

Always, always, ALWAYS wear sunscreen to an all day softball tournament.
Even if it is a rainy, crappy, cold day.




PS- Peeling hairline is not attractive.

Definitely Rockin It.

20 Jul

I’ve been thinking about this post for a while. The undeniable joy on this little girl’s face was the push I needed.

As The Appointment to find out the gender of this baby gets closer and closer, there’s the inevitable question of if I want a boy or a girl. My completely honest and genuine answer is I don’t care. The next thing people say is it really doesn’t matter as long as the baby is healthy.

I don’t exactly agree.

I don’t care. Period.

While I would love and hope to have a healthy baby, if I didn’t I would be okay with it.

Maybe not right away and I would shed some tears over it.

But at the end of the day I have my child.

The one I wasn’t supposed to get pregnant with.

Boy. Girl. Blind. Deaf. Third arm coming out of their forehead.

Doesn’t matter.

At the end of the day I have my miracle and that’s ALL that matters.






19 weeks 2 days

Someone’s having a #giveaway!

5 Oct

Who doesn’t love winning stuff?!

My very, very bestest best friend, Rachel, is hosting a giveaway! She’s in the running to become a Mamavation Mom! All she’s asking for is your vote  for Rachel and Adam to win!

Easy peasy!

Rachel is giving away a $25 Amazon giftcard and an EA Active Sports 2 for Wii!

Entering is easy! As taken from Rachel’s blog

  • One entry for every vote ~ You can only vote once from a computer, phone, etc. but you can vote as many times as you want from different devices, wifi networks, etc. Let me know you voted & how you voted (what device). Each vote will be counted as an entry.
  • One entry for every tweet you send out supporting Adam (@ahabs55) & I (@rachhabs) tweet out the following message: ”Please vote & help @rachhabs & @ahabs55 to become the next #mamavation couple!” (25 tweets maximum a day)
  • One entry for every tweet of the following message: “I entered a giveaway from @rachhabs & @ahabs55 for an @easportsactive & #AmazonGiftCard! Find out the details here” (maximum of 25 tweets daily)
  • Share this link (from Rachel\’s blog) on facebook & get additional entries!
Go forth, vote and win!
***Disclosure, I *was not* asked to write this post. Nor am I receiving anything for writing it. This post was written in support of my bestie and her husband and in support of Rachel and Adam making changes to their lives to get healthy, teach and show their three kids a healthier lifestyle.***

#Mamavation Mondays

3 Oct

I’m a little disappointed. I keep fluctuating at the same +/- .5lbs. I’m still down a grand total of 32 lbs since starting Operation Get Fit, which is a HUGE accomplishment, (*Insert self back pat*) but I’ve been working my azz off with the #2weekchallenge, walking/running, weights and portion control. I’m seeing definite changes in my clothes and body, just not the stupid scale. Doggoneit.

One of the most important things I can do to help myself on this journey to getting healthy, is to drink more water. And get moving more!

Growing up we almost never had pop in our house. Yes, it IS pop! Calling pop soda just doesn’t sound right… Pop was a treat reserved for special occasions. We drank water, milk, Crystal Light or apple cider.

Once I lived in the school dorms/moved out, I went pop crazy. I was in charge of what went in my body and I wanted all the good tasting but bad for you food and drinks I rarely got to have growing up. I lived on fast food, cafeteria dorm food and pop for longer than

I care to admit. And I wonder how I gained so much weight. DUH! It was easy, fast and I didn’t have to burn make it.

Now that I’m a grown-up (HA!) I’m way more conscious of what I put in my body.

I don’t even keep pop in the house anymore.

I was searching for a photo of Diet Coke with Lime, my all time favorite pop, and I got this. What the crap. And, EW!!!

But drinking water is still a major hurdle for me.

So, I’m taking part in the Brita Challenge to help me make drinking water a lifelong habit.

I pledged to take part a week ago and I have been slacking.

I’m putting it all out there and asking you to keep me accountable. Knowing that other people are going to chew my butt if I don’t follow through is some powerful motivation. It’s the whole Oldest Child, I can’t disappoint anyone thing… plus it’s good for me.

On the days that I’ve made a effort to get in my 8 glasses, this has become my best friend. Especially at 2am when I drink a whole bunch of water before bed. I never claimed to be the brightest… 

On the bright side, the whole I’m going to drink more water thing is also beneficial in the burning calories department. I’m getting in more steps to the bathroom and back and my potty dance is preeeeetty intense.

Do you do anything to flavor your water? I’m not so much a fan of boring water, I’d love some suggestions!







This post is sponsored by Brita and I took the Brita Challenge to be entered into a giveaway hosted by Mamavation – a community dedicated to obesity prevention & weight loss for women .

#Mamavation Monday

11 Sep

Man, it’s good to be back! I honestly don’t know how long it’s been since I posted a Mamavation Monday post.

Last week the holiday really threw me. I had no idea what day of the week it was and totally spaced. My bad.

The weeks before I was dealing with some serious emotional upheaval in my life. I don’t really want to talk about it, but I’m on my way to okay. Promise. As is was my habit, I ate my feelings. And gained a few pounds back. Dirty words…


I’m making some healthier decisions for myself. I’m coming out of the funk and I’m getting back to kicking ass and taking names. I’m focusing on portions sizes what what I’m eating portions of and water intake. When it comes to water I’m an all or nothing kind of girl. I really need to curb my pop drinking.

The part I love to hate of my becoming human again is taking part in the Mamavation Two Week Challenge.

Oh, holy night. I don’t know if I’ve ever been this sore in my life.

But I’m loving it!

It hurts and it’s difficult, but I’m doing it! Maybe I’m a masochist, but oh does hurt so good. 

Most impressive to me is that I’m sticking with it. Having the accountability of daily report ins and the step by step layout of the workouts is HUGE!

Question: When was the last time you got new workout shoes?  What do you use them for?

I honestly don’t remember the last time I bought new workout shoes. Though I do remember the extreme sticker shock… It’s been at least a few years. I’m almost positive I’ve had the same pair of workout shoes longer that I’ve known B.

No, I didn't take a nekkid pic. I have shorts on. 🙂

They’re still in really, really good condition.

Because I never used them until I wrote the post that changed my life.

And it took me a while to psych myself up into using the treadmill.

And  little while longer to become a regular user. *Insert very sheepish look here* 

These Asics are amazeballs. Gel inserts, super cushion-y sole, no pinching anywhere- ever, no blisters. A serious shoe-gasm.

While these shoes are fabulous, I’m thinking of having my gait analyzed at one of the local running stores and buying myself an ungodly expensive pair of running shoes once I’m employed again. I don’t know if it’s the shoes, how I run, an old injury, or what but I get some really bad lower back pain some days after running. I should probably look into that, eh?

I also have a pair of Reebok Easy Tones that I wear EVERYWHERE.  I LOVE these shoes. They’re number 2 on the list of most comfortable tennis shoes I’ve ever worn. Another serious shoe-gasm. For. Reals.

Have an awesome week, Sistas and I promise to try and get back in the swing of posting!




This post is sponsored by Attune Foodsand I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway hosted by Mamavation – a community dedicated to obesity prevention & weight loss for women

I’ve Been A Bad, Bad Girl

8 Sep

It’s been a hawt minute since I posted. 

I’ve been bad.

I haven’t even been keeping up with my Mamavation posts.

I’m here, but there isn’t really anything exciting going on in my life. I’m still sitting at home filling out job application after job application and watching semi-trashy television. I’m starting to get desperate over here.

I *did* have an appointment with my regular doctor. She’s completely surprised that I’m not getting (and staying) pregnant. She’s sent me to a specialist. Heaven only knows when I’ll actually get an appointment, but at least it’s a step I can take.

I’m about to get potentially TMI…

I had my period for two weeks. I really wasn’t into sexy time. All the bloating and cramping and pesky bleeding from my vagina really don’t make me feel sexy…or human for that matter.

Yes, this is dirty, nasty and wrong...but too funny NOT to include!

Our adult time has been..lacking.

Not that Brian cares to know, but because of this crazy cycle I have NO idea when I’m supposed to be ovulating. If I were actually ovulating on a regular basis. Which is a huge if.  And my phone took a shit so I don’t even have my handy dandy ovulation app to consult.

It’s probably a good thing I don’t know.

I don’t know how B feels about it, but to me it feels like Adult Time is all about trying to make a baby.

It almost feels like work.

I really don’t like that.

Adult Time isn’t a means to justify an end.

I miss doing it in random parts of the house just because we were horny.

I miss snuggling after Adult Time instead of propping my hips up, hoping one of the swimmers will take.

I miss staying in bed all day long.

So. I’m not doing any OPK.

Or charting.

Or apps.

I’m just going to enjoy Adult Time until the doctor recommends otherwise.

Even then, who knows.

We might be enjoying each other so much that we take a TTC break.

More together time and just enjoying each other’s company can’t be a bad thing.


Five Finger Fridays

26 Aug

Five Finger Fridays are back! 

I really needed the FFF today. I’m feeling pretty blue today. Okay, this week. I’ve been seriously lacking in ambition, gumption, get up and go-ness.

I’m not exactly feeling like a productive member or society (or my family) without a job…unless you count making Laura shaped ass prints on various piece of furniture and watching my house progressively get more and more messy.

I was excited to get back on the workout horse. I’d been making leaps and strides (haha) in my pace and distances running. I was going to OWN it when I got back on the treadmill. I was all about getting back to running.

And Monday I did. It’d been a few weeks since and my run sucked. So I gave up.

I let myself have a pity party and now it’s over.

Maybe not totally over, but I’m gonna fake it until I make it. 

Starting with FFF. Because no matter how much I feel like things suck right now, there is always something to be thankful for.


My oldest younger sister got her first teaching gig. All the way in North Carolina. Which is a looooooooong way from where we are, but she made the 700 mile trek all by herself. Safely. Thankfully her car decided running was optional after she got there safely.

I know it’s a bit late, but I’m finally done with that horrible class. And I am completely OVERJOYED.

My youngest sister turns 16 this weekend. Gulp!  I can’t believe she’s growing up so quickly…sure makes me feel more than a little old!

My middle younger sister moved into her new dorms. She’s going through a huge transition, but she seems to be liking it so far! I wouldn’t know she moved before I even knew she was leaving. Oh, to be young and free…

Wednesday our cousin and Brian’s best man became a Daddy. Dave and Shelley have waited a long time for their precious miracle. Shelley had a less than easy pregnancy, but Tessa is here and healthy. Mommy and Daddy are overjoyed.


What awesome things happened to you this week?




23 Aug

I’m completely overwhelmed with my massive amounts of free time.

I’ve always had a job. (Or I was in school.)

I don’t do well without structure.

Or a schedule…

I’m seriously overwhelmed.

I have so much time and things to fill it that I just sit and do nothing.

Though I did manage to mow the lawn yesterday!  

*Not* my house, but pretty darn close!


There are dishes that need to be done.

Clothes that need to be folded.

Carpets needing to be vacuumed.

Lots of things that can be done, but I can’t seem to summon the energy to make it happen.

I just finished school, I don’t have a job. I don’t really feel like I’m being a contributing member of society right now. I’m pretty sure I’m wallowing. Not a fan. 

HELP! Where do I find motivation to get off my ass and DO something?!?!

#Mamavation Mondays

21 Aug

I’m baaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

finally have my head above water again! School is done and I have vast amounts of unemployment free time stretching before me.

I can get back to Mamavation and regularly working out. Finally!

My workouts took a backseat to school. Let’s be honest, everything took a backseat to school. Even ‘homework’. I was so focused on my concentrated classes that all I did was eat, breathe, sleep homework, practicals, clinicals. My house and husband were rather neglected.

I want to get back into working out.

I need to get back into working out.

I’m cranky. Just ask Brian…

I’m not sleeping well.

I can see and feel my body moving backwards. Things that I used to be able to do with ease are difficult.


I’m back on the workout horse. I now realize how important is it for me to make and schedule time for working out. Waking up 30 minutes earlier kinda sucks, but those 30 minutes of sweating will pay off big time in the long run.

Now that I have a lot of free time is the perfect opportunity to start and maintain a Sweat Schedule. If it’s habit now, it’ll be habit later when more of my time is spoken for.

Question: Why do you think exploring intimacy is an important part of a healthy lifestyle?  


Wow, what a topic to come back to! I’m definitely not posting this to facebook where my mother, father, younger sisters and in-laws can see it! Awkward!!!

For me, intimacy and venerability are things that are deeply seated in trust and love. Two extremely important parts of a marriage. And sex, sex is a very important part in a marriage. Sex and intimacy are physical expressions of how Brian and I feel for each other. As our marriage and relationship evolve and get deeper and stronger, there are different ways for us to express it.

And sex feels good. Physically and emotionally. Who doesn’t want to feeeeeeel better?!

This post is sponsored by Eden Fantasys and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway hosted by Mamavation.