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Let’s Talk About Poop

11 Mar

As the mother of a boy and wife to a 30-something boy I’m pretty confident that this won’t be the last poop post.

Saturday D blew. out. his diaper. Twice. 

Since his surgery D has been a once a day kind of guy. The time of day varies, but 9 times out of 10 he would leave a present in his diaper for someone to discover at some point during the day. Until Saturday, D had only had one blow out in his entire three (?!?!?) months. I thought maybe it was a growth spurt, a fluke or maybe D wasn’t feeling well. He slept in until 11am Saturday. Thank you, D!

No such luck.

Yesterday morning I walked in D’s room and was assaulted by an incredible stink. D, his pajamas, swaddler, sheets and blankets were covered in poop. I *knew* there was a reason I had ‘neglected’ to change sheets Friday! Booger earned himself his 3rd bath in less than 24 hours.

B had to work this weekend, so D and I went to my mom’s house for coffee and Sunday lunch. D ate right before we did and no sooner did we sit down than D (quite audibly!) filled his pants. His diaper managed to contain everything this time and all he needed was a diaper change and we were good to go.

After his next feed it was the same story. Auntie H feed D his bottle, burped him and not 10 minutes after finishing his bottle, blew out his britches… clothes and all. The look on my sister’s face was hilarious!

I have never in my life seen my sister hand over a baby that fast. 

B fed D after we got home. Same story. B was so grossed out, he put D right down. Poop on the carpet be damned!

D ate his last feed with no issues. I thought all was well.


I went to get D out of his crib this morning and sure enough. Shit City. All over the clean sheets I had just put on his bed! At least I was smart enough to put dark sheets on his bed. I got D all cleaned up and ready to eat. Sans clothes. Momma ain’t no fool and I despise doing laundry.  And poop laundry is just as bad as puke laundry

Sure enough. In the time it took me to put D in his bouncy seat and rinse out the bottle, he had pooped. It was a contained crap, but a crap nonetheless.

What is going on with my son?!

Is pooping this much normal frequency and quantity wise?

Am I being a neurotic first time mom? I will be the first to admit that I am on high alert when it comes to D’s digestive system.

How can I contain the crap so it isn’t every-damn-where?

Does he need bigger diapers? He wears size one diapers and is well within the weight range for the size, but they aren’t loose. B’s solution to containment is to tighten the diapers, but if I go any tighter the poor kid is going to lose circulation!  


I think I’ll keep him. Even if he’s a poop machine.

Love this face! Even if he is a little poop machine. :)