Archive | October, 2011

#Mamavation Mondays

17 Oct

Phew, what a week! My dad and I spent ALL day Saturday moving him into his new apartment and I’m SOOOOOOOORE! Lifting my arms to wash my hair was an adventure. 🙂 Especially since I bit it on our last trip and sprained my ankle and smashed my left arm. I am rocking a bunch of bruises all sorts of various colors. Thankfully B came to our rescue and helped Dad with the last load. Despite the soreness, I had an awesome day with my dad.

This week’s blogging question: What parts of your body are you especially proud of right now? What makes you love them?

My calves, for sure! My calves are the most muscular and defined part of my body. They’re pretty hawt if I do say so myself!

No, I didn't take a nekkid pic. I have shorts on. 🙂

This week’s breakdown… My fitness and steps are seriously lacking this week due to my various lumps, bumps and bruises, but I think I more than made up for them with 12 solid hours of moving and lifting. Oy.  Water intake had been on point. Even if I don’t want to drink water and hobble to the bathroom all the time. 



This post is sponsored by Grunt Styleand I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway hosted by Mamavation – a community dedicated to obesity prevention & weight loss for women



12 Oct


I’m a lot of things.





Just to name a few.

I cannot find the healthy balance between all of these things. There are important aspects of my life that are slipping through the cracks.

I’m frustrated that people and things are putting demands on my time and heart that shouldn’t even be demands on my heart and time. I can’t be everything to everyone that wants from me.

I’m frustrated that people in my life aren’t communicating with eachother, but are communicating with me and one vents to me about the other. And vice versa.

I just can’t do it anymore.

Middle man is one thing I’m being boxed into that I’m not a fan of. But it’s people I love and care about and I kind of resent it.

I wasn’t aware middle man and psychologist was in my job description.

I know this doesn’t make sense and it’s just a bunch of word vomit, but sometimes you just need to blog it out.

Ahhhh, much better…kinda.




#Mamavation Mondays

10 Oct

Short and sweet is the name of the game today.

B and I are pet sitting a dog the size of a pony and he’s more than a little rambunctious today. He’s demanding lots and lots of attention. I’m not feel well and my energy level is seriously lacking.


This dang dog takes my spot in bed AND took over the cuddle duties.


The Horse is an equal opportunity snuggler.

I don't feel well! I just. want. to. take. a. NAP!


The evil hag is around, but I’m holding strong at that same too big number. I’m curious to see where my weight is going to be when she packs her bags and peaces out.

Here’s the breakdown…

Water- 90 oz average each day

Moving my azz- #2weekchallenge is continuing to kick my butt. 

Weight change this week- 0 lbs

Operations Get Fit total loss- 32 lbs


Have you voted for Mamavation Couples yet? Voting ends today!

Someone’s having a #giveaway!

5 Oct

Who doesn’t love winning stuff?!

My very, very bestest best friend, Rachel, is hosting a giveaway! She’s in the running to become a Mamavation Mom! All she’s asking for is your vote  for Rachel and Adam to win!

Easy peasy!

Rachel is giving away a $25 Amazon giftcard and an EA Active Sports 2 for Wii!

Entering is easy! As taken from Rachel’s blog

  • One entry for every vote ~ You can only vote once from a computer, phone, etc. but you can vote as many times as you want from different devices, wifi networks, etc. Let me know you voted & how you voted (what device). Each vote will be counted as an entry.
  • One entry for every tweet you send out supporting Adam (@ahabs55) & I (@rachhabs) tweet out the following message: ”Please vote & help @rachhabs & @ahabs55 to become the next #mamavation couple!” (25 tweets maximum a day)
  • One entry for every tweet of the following message: “I entered a giveaway from @rachhabs & @ahabs55 for an @easportsactive & #AmazonGiftCard! Find out the details here” (maximum of 25 tweets daily)
  • Share this link (from Rachel\’s blog) on facebook & get additional entries!
Go forth, vote and win!
***Disclosure, I *was not* asked to write this post. Nor am I receiving anything for writing it. This post was written in support of my bestie and her husband and in support of Rachel and Adam making changes to their lives to get healthy, teach and show their three kids a healthier lifestyle.***

#Mamavation Mondays

3 Oct

I’m a little disappointed. I keep fluctuating at the same +/- .5lbs. I’m still down a grand total of 32 lbs since starting Operation Get Fit, which is a HUGE accomplishment, (*Insert self back pat*) but I’ve been working my azz off with the #2weekchallenge, walking/running, weights and portion control. I’m seeing definite changes in my clothes and body, just not the stupid scale. Doggoneit.

One of the most important things I can do to help myself on this journey to getting healthy, is to drink more water. And get moving more!

Growing up we almost never had pop in our house. Yes, it IS pop! Calling pop soda just doesn’t sound right… Pop was a treat reserved for special occasions. We drank water, milk, Crystal Light or apple cider.

Once I lived in the school dorms/moved out, I went pop crazy. I was in charge of what went in my body and I wanted all the good tasting but bad for you food and drinks I rarely got to have growing up. I lived on fast food, cafeteria dorm food and pop for longer than

I care to admit. And I wonder how I gained so much weight. DUH! It was easy, fast and I didn’t have to burn make it.

Now that I’m a grown-up (HA!) I’m way more conscious of what I put in my body.

I don’t even keep pop in the house anymore.

I was searching for a photo of Diet Coke with Lime, my all time favorite pop, and I got this. What the crap. And, EW!!!

But drinking water is still a major hurdle for me.

So, I’m taking part in the Brita Challenge to help me make drinking water a lifelong habit.

I pledged to take part a week ago and I have been slacking.

I’m putting it all out there and asking you to keep me accountable. Knowing that other people are going to chew my butt if I don’t follow through is some powerful motivation. It’s the whole Oldest Child, I can’t disappoint anyone thing… plus it’s good for me.

On the days that I’ve made a effort to get in my 8 glasses, this has become my best friend. Especially at 2am when I drink a whole bunch of water before bed. I never claimed to be the brightest… 

On the bright side, the whole I’m going to drink more water thing is also beneficial in the burning calories department. I’m getting in more steps to the bathroom and back and my potty dance is preeeeetty intense.

Do you do anything to flavor your water? I’m not so much a fan of boring water, I’d love some suggestions!







This post is sponsored by Brita and I took the Brita Challenge to be entered into a giveaway hosted by Mamavation – a community dedicated to obesity prevention & weight loss for women .