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23 Aug

I’m completely overwhelmed with my massive amounts of free time.

I’ve always had a job. (Or I was in school.)

I don’t do well without structure.

Or a schedule…

I’m seriously overwhelmed.

I have so much time and things to fill it that I just sit and do nothing.

Though I did manage to mow the lawn yesterday!  

*Not* my house, but pretty darn close!


There are dishes that need to be done.

Clothes that need to be folded.

Carpets needing to be vacuumed.

Lots of things that can be done, but I can’t seem to summon the energy to make it happen.

I just finished school, I don’t have a job. I don’t really feel like I’m being a contributing member of society right now. I’m pretty sure I’m wallowing. Not a fan. 

HELP! Where do I find motivation to get off my ass and DO something?!?!

#Mamavation Mondays

21 Aug

I’m baaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

finally have my head above water again! School is done and I have vast amounts of unemployment free time stretching before me.

I can get back to Mamavation and regularly working out. Finally!

My workouts took a backseat to school. Let’s be honest, everything took a backseat to school. Even ‘homework’. I was so focused on my concentrated classes that all I did was eat, breathe, sleep homework, practicals, clinicals. My house and husband were rather neglected.

I want to get back into working out.

I need to get back into working out.

I’m cranky. Just ask Brian…

I’m not sleeping well.

I can see and feel my body moving backwards. Things that I used to be able to do with ease are difficult.


I’m back on the workout horse. I now realize how important is it for me to make and schedule time for working out. Waking up 30 minutes earlier kinda sucks, but those 30 minutes of sweating will pay off big time in the long run.

Now that I have a lot of free time is the perfect opportunity to start and maintain a Sweat Schedule. If it’s habit now, it’ll be habit later when more of my time is spoken for.

Question: Why do you think exploring intimacy is an important part of a healthy lifestyle?  


Wow, what a topic to come back to! I’m definitely not posting this to facebook where my mother, father, younger sisters and in-laws can see it! Awkward!!!

For me, intimacy and venerability are things that are deeply seated in trust and love. Two extremely important parts of a marriage. And sex, sex is a very important part in a marriage. Sex and intimacy are physical expressions of how Brian and I feel for each other. As our marriage and relationship evolve and get deeper and stronger, there are different ways for us to express it.

And sex feels good. Physically and emotionally. Who doesn’t want to feeeeeeel better?!

This post is sponsored by Eden Fantasys and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway hosted by Mamavation.

I’m baaaaaaaaaaaack!

20 Aug

Maybe not by popular demand, but I *am* back. 🙂

I’m baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

I finally finished school with the world’s worst and most disorganized teacher ever. Hallelujah!

I’ve officially passed my classes (with a 98%, thank you very much! *insert pack pat here) and I’m in the process of filling out (a bajillion and one) job applications and trying to schedule my state boards.

Now that classes are done and I’m completely unemployed  swimming in free time, it’s time to get my life in order. My house is a hawt mess, I have a pile of laundry that’s almost as tall as I am and my lawn could double as a forest. It’s probably a good thing we don’t kids or pets. I’d be terrified they’d get lost forever. Seriously, I feel like I could legit be on Hoaders…not good. 

This week has been a complete whirlwind. I finished clinicals Thursday and got my certificate. Friday I spent the day amking phone calls and taking my car in to get the maintenance required light checked out. ***Note to self, maintenance required is completely different than check engine. You may feel like an azz for not knowing the difference. And you certainly will want to smack the man telling you, “It’s okay, Little Lady, I wouldn’t ‘spect you to know the difference. I’m surprised half you little ladies know the gas is on the right most the time. Jackhole.***

I’m going to be worthless today. I slept a whopping 10.5 hours last night… after a 3.5 hour nap Friday afternoon. I’m totally in debt to the sleep bank, those quality hours in bed were much needed. And B got a kick out of my redonkulous bed head. Lol.

This evening B and I will be heading to my Mom’s house for a good-bye dinner for my oldest younger sister before she leaves tomorrow morning to move to North Carolina. It’s going to be a little bittersweet to see her move 12-ish hours away, but hellooooooo awesome vacay destination! I’m excited for her to embark on a new adventure. Love you, Mel! 

On the health front-

I don’t know if it’s been the stress of classes, practicals and clinicals or something else, but Aunt Flo has been completely MIA. She’s a full three weeks late. And I got my hopes up. Again. My consultation with Dr. EPT resulted in a big fat negative (BFN) and I was okay-ish with it. I was in the middle of classes, there’s been a lot of family stuff going on and B was having a whole bunch of seizures.

Despite the BFN, I’m more upset about the disappearance of my period. Things were really looking good. I was getting my period mostly regularly and I was feeling really good. I felt like I had some kind of control over my body and what was going on with it. I have an appointment coming up this month with my doctor and I think I have to ask for a referral to a specialist. The infertility is disappointing, but I’m more worried about the insulin resistance. What I’m doing right now it’s working. I’m worried about what’s going on with my liver and pancreas. If I’m not on the right medications or should be doing something different I want to know. I need to know.

Workouts have taken a backseat to everything else these past few weeks, but that’s all about to change. I’m excited to FINALLY get back in the swing of things and back to Mamavation!


And that’s been my life this past month.

What’s been happening with you? What have I missed out on?


Friday Flip Offs on Thursday because I’m Classy Like That.

28 Jul

I’ve found  yet another amazingly awesome blog Mama Kiss.  The first post I ever read of Mama Kiss’s was a Friday Flip Off post and I loved it!

Fridays are reserved for Five Finger Fridays so I’m stealing the concept today. I’ve got a lot to get off my oh so ample chest and I’m about to flip.the.heck.out. So help me, I am this  close to the straw that broke the camel’s back. Not that the things on my chest are helping… I’m not a big fan of the middle finger, I use the Über sarcastic thumbs up. If you ever see me driving and I give an overly enthusiastic thumbs up now you know what it really means. I’m a little terrified shooting up the middle finger will set off someone’s road rage and I want no part of that… 


*Side note. In the middle of trying to write this post, some poor, unsuspecting telemarketer happened to call. What’sHisFace O’PainInMyAss is now the proud new owner of a few newly ripped ass holes courtesy of my bubbling rage.* You’re welcome.

Chuck Norris giving the thumbs up made me smile.


Sarcastic Thumbs Up Numero Uno belongs to… *drum roll, please!*

Companies that make scrubs!

While I appreciate the fun designs and colors scrubs are available in, you need to work on your sizes. I would love to wear a shirt that doesn’t look like I’m smuggling watermelons or pregnant. You need a Large and a 1/2 size please. The large scrub top brought lots and lots of attention to the girls. They were lifted and on display. While there are time I may appreciate that look, clinicals and in the work place are NOT. Thank-you-very-much! Large obviously is not going to work, so I tried on the XL. Or should I say potato sack. While there is a tie to cinch the waist to give a bit of a figure, PREGNANT is not the look I’m going for. The scrub tops cinch, but bunch. Not attractive. So help me if someone asks me when I’m due!

And the scrub pants. Oy.

Would it kill you to make a petite version? I’m a little tea pot, short AND stout. I mean really. I can’t be the only one, right?

Sarcastic Thumbs Up Numero Dos.


Walmart, you are a multi-billion dollar corporation. Would it kill you to have toilet paper that doesn’t feel like sand paper on the lady bits?! Not at all pleasant.


Sarcastic Thumbs Up number 3 gets a double gun salute!

The nameless, faceless, spineless jerkface hiding behind the internet who decided to comment on this here blog and tell me that if I was a better Christian, if I prayed better/longer/harder God would bless me with a baby by now.

The offending comment was promptly deleted. While I’m open to suggestions and (mostly) all comments (the ones offering adult services are also deleted…) that crossed the line.

Um, excuse me?!?!

Obviously this person has no idea what it’s like to have fertility issues. I’m sure I’m not alone in my daily, hourly prayers for a solution to my infertility. To know that having a child is a possibility. How dare they decide that I’m not a good person or Christian based on a blog.

How dare they!

I know I’m not perfect. I know there are areas of my life that need vast improvements. None of us are perfect. We all make mistakes, wrong choices. We’re all flawed.

It’s called being human.

We’re using the free will God gave us.

And thanks for giving Christianity such a great name, Jerkface!


Phew, I feel a lot better now. And it was a lot cheaper than therapy. Winning!

Do you have any Friday Flip Offs this week?