
In a large bowl mix
1/4 part daughter (oldest)
1/3 part sister
2 tsp friend
3 heaping cups snarky
2 tbs b*tchy

Bake for 25 years in a 5ft 3in pan

Add loving, caring, compassionate husband

Season to taste with sarcasm


This is my essentially my diary. Public and online. For anyone to read. Shit.

It’s all about the ups and downs in my journey through life.

My awesomesauce husband. Amazing (PG-13 because that’s one thing I do generally, sometimes have a filter for…) marriage.

My kick ass friends. Who mainly exist through the internet because I’m 25 going on 85 and my bestest friend lives in another state.

About my parents splitting up- how that’s changing my relationship with each parent and all three of my younger sisters. Aaaaaaand my relationship with my husband.

My struggle with my weight. Along with my quest to get HEALTHY the right way.

This super confusing world of current infertility. Hopes and potential for future fertility. Does that make me infertile-light?

And the ups and downs of life in general.

My life is way more good than bad, but sometimes you just have to blog it out.

**Fair warning**     I love Jesus, but I do swear a little. Momma always told me I could say ass when referring to an animal or body part. And shit is just another word for fecal matter. Now that I’m all grown up, moved out, married and mortgaged I’ve added a few more (at times) to my vocabulary, but not the REALLY bad ones.

This blog is getting some new content and I want to give you the heads up. After 3 years of marriage, 2 years of not not trying, doctors, meds and more things in my lady bits than I care to share I’m got a big fat positive 4/7/12 and Nugget will hopefully making his/her arrival 12/12/12. 

2 Responses to “About”

  1. Tracy July 24, 2011 at 11:37 am #

    OMG. Where have you been all my life?? Oh wait, right here in MICHIGAN, you say? *facepalm* We need to be friends. Liiiiiiiiiike… right now. Kthx. 🙂

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