
14 Jan

I’m sick of being fat. I’ve BEEN sick of being fat. No matter what I did I couldn’t lose weight. I had other issues going on so I went to the doctor.

Long story short, my body doesn’t know how to absorb insulin. If it’s not absorbed, it get stored. In order to store the insulin your body makes FAT CELLS! In your MIDDLE! So thaaaaaaaaaaaaaat’s why my pants size was going up. And up. And up. I could have “exercised 8 hours a day, eaten nothing but salads and never lost weight.” (God bless the doctor for saying that!)

I’m now on meds that help my body absorb the insulin it makes. I’m not gaining weight, but I’m not losing it either. 

Until now. I am now making a conscious decision to watch what I eat and get active. It started today.

I got up this morning and did 30 minutes of aerobic exercise. And it felt good!

Hubster and I went out to lunch.

I didn’t order fries. Or a pop.

I didn’t eat the entire sandwich.

The world didn’t end.

I was plesantly satisfied, not uncomfortably full.


I was feeling so good about the exercise and eating choices, I made use of the Michigan weather and snow blowed (snow blew?) and shoveled the driveway. And I felt even better about myself.

I know I won’t always be easy and I won’t always want to make better choices, but if it feels half as good tomorrow as it did today, it’ll be just a little bit easier.

 Here’s to Day 1 of healthier choices to a healthier and happier me!

4 Responses to “Choices”

  1. Shelley (@momma_oz) January 14, 2011 at 2:50 am #

    Congrats on taking the first steps!!!! Unofficially – welcome to Mamavation! Look forward to getting to know you better and am here to help if you have any questions!

  2. Erin @wildlifebio January 14, 2011 at 3:02 am #

    Good for you!! We Mamavation moms are here to help you however we can. I look forward to getting to know you!

    • smallworldbiggirl January 17, 2011 at 7:01 pm #

      Thank you! The support in the first two days has been AMAZING!

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